Nicci Chau's Second Life Blog

Posts Tagged ‘Maitreya

Ha so I ignore my blog for like couple weeks and then am here with 3rd post for the day today LOL. Anyhow I have three more outfits from A Touch Of Ireland that I wanted to show that are great for Cinco De Mayo, and this time wanted good backdrop. So I so some searching and find that Visit Mexico sim is run by the Mexico Tourism Board, and is really nice to visit, has ruins, some jungle, a cantina, beach, some freebies, and bunch of other Mayan and Aztec things to see, and was perfect backdrop for more Cinco De Mayo outfits. (My friend colleen criss also points out that this location is super place for some horseback riding and lets you rez the double rider type horses, so likely when i am done with blog entry I do some riding).

first two pictures are:
ATOI-China Poblana Style Dress2

Next two are:
ATOI-China Poblana Style Dress1

Last pictures are in:
ATOI-Cinco De Mayo Ruffles Style Dress

well and very last I see nice beach spot at sunset and change the skirt out for old beat up cutoff jeans and chill out.
also this lighting shows off the jewelery that comes with the Ruffles set really nice huh?

All Outfits -set is blouse, belted skirt, bracelet, earrings and necklace.
Inca Temple – Ecliptic necklace
Dernier Cri – Raine – Black
Adam n Eve – Desire – Tone 2 – Russet
AD – Vamp Eyelashes
booN tsubura eyes lampblack
Maitreya Gold – IXkin Champagne-Duo

World Wide Interactive 24/7 Soap Opera Character

I'm just a supporting cast member to world wide interactive 24/7 soap opera called "Second Life". It's a just a game or time-waster to some, and more important than real life to some, and everyone else is in between the extremes.

I'm not a primary character in anyone else's personal soap opera story, just supporting cast. I stopped taking it serious like that years ago with older avies that had romances, ran businesses, were entertainers, were designers and builders. Now I am just wanderer vagabonding around and try to spend the inheritance my older avies left me. Lots of the time is frustratation on missing how things use to be in SL when the magic was still there for me, now is my hobby and try as i try, i cannot keep from logging in for hours and hours at a time, but I do resist temptations to let it take over my real life once again.

What I'm blogging:
Is in the end in style of a fashion blog but is not like a real "I'm a fashion blogger" nonesense thing.
I'm not all so much about finding new designer things that are out so much as finding things I like i never seen, or better track down something I saw before and didn't get and now want to get, and playing with what I got in inventory in addition to things I see when I'm out getting new things.
I'm not real fashion blogger type that like has designers drop things into inventory and say "blog this" huh, nothing like that, mostly is to go through the thousands of things I have and at least get some use out of them and maybe a few stories and like my observation on things.

May 2024

Personal Pet Peeve in SL fashion trends

So, my avie is short and wide by SL standards, consequently most all prim parts need some adjustments. I hate resizer scripts (that as far as I read in blogs don't work to stop copybot anyhow), since they do all directions, and typically i need to make shorter and wider, not bigger which you cannot do with those scripts. Some designers are really cool and will send or upsell me a modify set of prims or will adjust if i send them my shape if they insist on not selling a mod version; and others tell me pound sand and say that I need to change my shape. Most designers ignore me if I make requests or they ask for a bunch extra lindens to do a fitting. The second two sets I'll never buy from again nor do I recommend, hope they are happy with the one sale.

Unless Otherwise Noted

I realize some of stuff I don't change much so unless otherwise noted the following should be presumed:

Skin: Adam n Eve – Desire t2 – make up Russet
Eyes: booN tsubura eyes lampblack